Thursday 6 November 2014

The Important Bits In-Between

The most important things in life aren't things - Anthony J. D'Angelo

So I have been writing this blog for over 4 months now, and have published many posts. The earlier ones have less views than the first, that is to be expected. In addition, the higher viewed are the posts that are clearly about Joshua's operation, or to do with the pre op assessments.

However, the most viewed post, by a country mile, was the one about strangers and stupid comments.

I think this is a good sign, because it makes sense. This blog was to be my feelings and to share my families cleft experiences with the world, in order to make the readers journey that little bit less worrisome. 

I'm fairly certain if you asked the majority of families of a newly diagnosed cleft babies what the biggest worry is, the operations and other peoples opinions on their child will come top.

But in itself it highlights something that, even though I write about it and document it, I'm still in danger of losing sight of a little. The bits in-between the ops, in-between the assessments and the recovery. The positive comments, not the bad, the encouraging progress, not the setbacks. 

Talking of progress, this is what the boy look like now, 3 weeks after the op:

I promised myself that when I wrote this blog I would be as honest as possible, I've stayed true to that I think. I've laid bare my feelings of worry, but also I've said again and again, that a cleft "isn't that bad". Its something I still stand by. 

Now obviously I'm only 4 months into JJs journey, so I cant be sure, but I'm pretty certain the boy is going to be ok in life, despite his initial "setback".

The reason is, because of the little things in between the "important stuff". I think that is more telling. Now I can only speak for JJ's progress obviously, but this little boy does everything you would expect him to do.

He first smiled at around  6 weeks old, he laughed a few weeks later. He holds his head up when on his tummy. He likes fruit puree, hates butternut squash puree. He cry's, he laughs, gets angry when hes tired, gets excited when he sees his mum first thing in the morning.

He loves his singing ladybird toy, not too fussed about about the expensive bear, but his most favorite thing is a flannel dangled above his head, boy that boy loves the dangling flannel.

He laughs....a lot. Jesus this boy laughs a lot. It makes me laugh, it makes his mum laugh, it makes anyone who hears it laugh. His laugh is infectious in such a good way.

Need the sound on!

He suffers from reflux, and is sick a lot. It makes him shudder and have a little whinge. It makes me and his mum whinge because we have probably only just changed him when he does it. He loves to piddle as soon as the nappy is taken off, he smiles when he successfully piddles on me, its totally planned.

He loves, and I mean loves his changing table. The little dude could sit on it for hours. I would leave him there and watch The Walking Dead In peace, if it wasn't so dangerous. I don't leave him there, because it is dangerous....he hates that.

He cries. Oh my god does this boy cry. Hes so good at crying he can laugh and cry at the same time, its truly amazing to watch.

He loves his mum and thinks she is the best thing in the world, I try to copy the faces she pulls which make him laugh so, and he looks at me like I'm boring. That said, he smiles at me as soon as he sees me every evening after work....he cries shortly after.

Hes trying to get ready for crawling, is doing well with weaning and generally makes my life much better just by being in it. I love him more than I can express.

But more than everything, JJ has a cleft, but he is so much more than just a cleft. I wish I worried less about the one stranger and stupid comment, about the lip assessment and the op. I wish I could worry less about the upcoming palate op.

I would tell us all not to worry about anything in that last paragraph, and try to focus on those great bits in-between more. I wont though because I know its tough......but maybe we should, surely the bits in between are more important to focus on?

Josh Thinks So....

Josh, looking Awesome