Monday 23 November 2015

8 Months Post Palate Operation

My son's the most precious thing to me; he's changed me from being selfish to selfless - Ricardo Antonio Chaveria

Been a long time since my last post, that's partly due to an error on my side (i wrote a post after the palate op, but didn't click "publish") and also because I've been frantically busy with a walking talking, getting into everything young man!

So, the operation. It was a total success, so much so that Josh doesn't need to see anyone for another 2 years.

The immediate aftermath was a bit less pleasant. JJ certainly felt this op more and was very uncomfortable for a few days after, and also it threw out his sleeping massively. I'm afraid something he hasn't fully slipped back into.

Pre-op Josh was sleeping a solid 8 hrs a night right through. Immediately after he was about an hour a time before waking (urgghhhh me and the wife nearly died!), and even now he hasn't settled into a proper sleeping routine.

That said, we do have a very happy little boy when he is awake, who now, on top of walking and running fully (from 9 months old), now says several words. And these are:

"Bye bye"
And of course "poo"

There is practically no difference at this stage between our son and any other child of his age, apart from a small scar visable on his lip.

That and the fact Josh is for some reason a giant baby, and towers a head above any other child his age. But I dont think that is cleft related. More to do with his dad's strong man genes I would guess....he also loves kicking a football, and as anyone that went to school with me will tell you, being sporty 100% comes from me. 

Cough, cough, dodges lightning, cough.

I promised this blog would be honest, and I hope I have been. I also hope this series of posts has helped at least a few people for theirs and their child's cleft journey.

I doubt I will post much more after this except for important cleft related updates much further down the line. As much as I love writing about the boy and how he is developing as a little man that wasn't the blogs aim.

If in the meantime between posts anyone would like to ask any questions, to me, or the wife, please do and we will be happy to answer.

Otherwise, enjoy your little one and please, try not to worry......It's only a cleft.....and me and JJ promise, it will be fine.