Friday 19 September 2014

Sleeping like a Baby

"People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one." - Leo J. Burke

So the other day I was sat around a table with my wife, my best friend and president Obama (who had recently lost the US Election). I cant remember what we were discussing, but it must have been important because I was wearing carrot shaped slippers.

Anyway, I became aware of a really loud siren sounding noise which was getting louder and louder. I was just about to voice my concerns as to what it was when I woke up.

Taking a second or two to get my bearings, I realised that the sound in my dream was the sound of my son and your future king, who was having a bit of a tear up with the wife in the living room. I could hear the wife telling him that he needed to burp, and he wasn't getting another drop until he did. His lordship was most unhappy about such insolence, and was letting the wife know his feelings.

I felt very strange, very odd indeed. I couldn't put my finger on it and I hoped I wasn't coming down with something.

We have a strict bedtime regime with Joshua that we have been imposing for about 8 weeks, which is come 9pm, he must have had his last feed and gets put in his cot. Sometimes he kicks up a fuss and the saga drags on a bit, but by and large he is asleep between 8.30pm - 10pm.

That particular night he had gone to sleep at 9pm and so I had assumed the time would be about 1am, as his first sleep of the night is usually around 4 hours long an then about 2 hours each time thereafter until hes wide awake at 7am.

Looking at the clock, it showed some strange symbol. It looked remarkably like a 6. I blinked a couple of times, rubbed my eyes. Gave my head a wobble. Still looked like a 6.

Now, my wife thinks that I sleep all through the night, right through when he wakes. Truth is I just keep my eyes shut so that I cant be coerced into getting out of bed, and then I read for a bit before I go back to sleep. I have to work, so I need my sleep (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it goddammit). Anyway, normally I wake all 4-5 times he does in the night.

I hadn't done that this time. I walked into the living room. My wife was burping him looking all happy.

Me: Did he....did he.... has he slept right through until now?
The Wife: Yep

Well, I swear to god, I kissed my wife's forehead, bro-fist bumped Joshua and did a little jig down the corridor. Then I realised I wasn't feeling odd...I was feeling refreshed. Oh the joy! 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep!!

I did what any modern man would do faced with such an amazing news. I immediately Facebooked this achievement. I got 14 likes, all from parents. Yeah, they knew the score, they had been here too.

I don't want to get too excited as it could have been a one off, and in the sleeps since he has not done a full 8 hours, but he is most certainly sleeping for longer. 

Sometimes 6 hours or so. It's bloody brilliant so it is.

Whats more brilliant, is that this is the reason we introduced the routine, and it's working. It's actually paying off. 

My hope is that very soon he will be like his old man: Sleeping 10 hours where possible, with his first thoughts when waking being either "5 more minutes" or "Bacon".

One can can only dream.

JJ, Looking bloody downright awesome

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